Unlike so many other nameless harems, the main character isn't a clueless dunce that is just going to string his love interests along indefinitely he had actually chosen who he wanted to be with, and he was prepared to suffer the consequences and fallout that would inevitably come of it. What's so baffling about this whole debacle is that the vast majority of the content in these OVAs was in fact handled masterfully. By dropping a guillotine on itself in its final moments. The narrative did a pretty good job with its execution I guess. But the problem is that it wasn't executed well enough. While I do have my personal preferences, at this point I had grown attachments to all of Kyosuke's major love interests, so I could have easily seen the story going many different directions. To be honest, regardless of who Kyosuke decided to pick in the end, I would have been mostly satisfied so long as the execution was handled well enough. I wanted to preface myself with all this so as to not be misconstrued as hating on this anime because of moral objections or because I just didn't get my favorite waifu pairing.
#Ore no imoto series#
With all this in mind, much of what you will see in this sequel finale should really come as no surprise for the most part, as the series continues to deliver exactly what it bills itself as. Much like the series' focus on otaku culture, it allows viewers to see how a social taboo could be painted in a positive light, but instead of just preaching to the choir by only focusing on otakus, the author also gets us to consider other socially unacceptable conduct and whether we should be quick to judge others when suddenly confronted with another behavior that we might not understand. In fact, I actually rather liked this aspect about the anime. In my case, I've never had any problem with it.

For some this has been off-putting, but they've managed to stomach it because of the interesting relationships and situations that have developed, or perhaps because it is animated and therefore not real, they don't see it as a problem. Thus, out of sheer anger and resentment, I feel compelled to write this very specifically targeted review in the off-chance that I might spare even one other poor soul from being sucked into the empty void that is the experience you will feel in the aftermath of Oreimo.Īs this is a sequel to an anime entitled "My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute", by now everyone who has made it this far should be well aware of the incest undertones that are pervasive throughout the series. It is the one cop out ending to rule them all. There is simply no justifiable explanation for what it did. Erhmm, what I mean to say is, this is basically the worst ending to a series I've ever seen beating out Berserk in maximum trollage of its fanbase. I consider myself fairly lenient when it comes to entertainment that pisses me off, as I can usually see at least some redeeming qualities about it to overlook its flaws and misgivings, but what Oreimo did was such a travesty, so anger, much shitty, wow. I originally was planning on writing a review for the entire series, but upon completing this crime against humanity, that idea was quickly jettisoned out the airlock like a refrigerator aboard the Bebop. I'll take you out for a juicy and delicious steak instead. You don't want to know how far down the rabbit hole goes in this case. Trust me on this one, take the blue pill and Know that what you see cannot be unseen though. If you are a glutton for punishment however, proceed at your own risk. So long as you do, it provides a perfectly solid conclusion to the series with no cop outs or asspulls, and the rest of the story can easily be left to your imagination.

Once you reach this point in the final episode of the OVAs, stop the playback and end it right there. This number is your one chance to save yourself from the disasterphe that is the Oreimo ending.